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Brilliantly Conceived & Beautifully Crafted

HR system

HR system
  • Education/training
    programs at UNICOS.

    UNICOS develops top experts in each position and talented individuals equipped with skills to work on the global market to leverage the growth of its employees in growing the company.

  • Customized job training
    for each job

    Through job training customized for each job, individuals without prior experience in the optics industry or medical devices can smoothly adapt to the new work environment.

  • Systematic and phased
    development program

    Nurturing talents in various fields based on a systematic and step-by-step business growth program.

    HR Management System

    UNICOS has an HR management system that evaluates and rewards employees fairly for performing assigned tasks and producing results based on their individual capacity.

  • Reassignment of employees
    according to work aptitude and

    UNICOS provides its employees with the opportunity to apply for jobs and jobs that suit their capabilities. We also have an in-house selection process for possible jobs.